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File Binder for Octopress Released

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File Binder for Octopress

It is difficult to attach some images or other files on a entry. This plugin supports it very easy.


Install to plugins directory.

If you wrote a entry in “source/posts/YYYY-DD-MM-title-of-a-entiry.markdown”, you can attach the files that are given the name of “source/posts/YYYY-DD-MM-title-of-a-entiry_filename-of-image.png” for example. The attached file puts out into the same directory of the entry by the name of “filename-of-image.png”, in this case it is “public/blog/YYYY/DD/MM/title-of-a-entry/filename-of-image.png”. You can refer the files from the entry by img or others tags.

Replace “./” that is head of src in a img tag with config[‘url’] + “/blog/YYYY/DD/MM/title-of-a-entry/”. config[‘url’] is written in _config.yml with “url: “. So src is published absolute path without problems if you write {% img ./filename-of-image.png %}.

Support customized permalink in _config.yml that is different from “/blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/”.


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